The Great Vape Panic of 2019

Last week the country of India banned the sale and production of all electronic cigarettes. New York has banned all e-juice flavors that aren't tobacco or mint. The Trump administration is pushing for a country wide vape ban. So, what's all the fuss about?

Recently, stories of a "vaping related lung disease" have been circulating the media. At the time of writing this blog, there have been a confirmed 9 deaths in the United States that may be related to vaping. Unfortunately, in all the talks of banning popular vape flavors one crucial element of the story is often being underreported. It seems as though the majority of illnesses came from bootleg marijuana carts.

These restrictions on vaping make it more difficult for ex-smokers to find a product to replace smoking with. Meanwhile, cigarette use in high schoolers fell from 15.8% in 2011 to 8.1% in 2018.

We already know that big tobacco is a major donor to the Trump administration, so it's not unreasonable to assume that the president may have other interests in banning vape products. While India is banning e-cigarettes there is no mention of any ban against old fashioned cigarettes. Could big tobacco be trying to reclaim some lost territory?
