We Live in a Simulation (Probably)

With the exponential growth of technology, it isn't unreasonable to assume that we will one day be able to run perfect simulations of the universe. We already have a wealth of knowledge about the underlying formulas that make our world function the way it does. Since it's plausible to assume we will have the potential to simulate universes, what are the odds that we figured it out first? According to Elon Musk there is a "billion to one chance we're living in base reality." Depressing as that may be, it raises a suite of moral dilemmas.

If we one day become capable of simulation, should we? Is it moral to simulate pain or consciousness? Do simulations have any rights? Will the simulations grow complex enough to create simulations of their own? These are all questions that must be answered before we take our first steps into simulated universes.
