The Future of Deepfakes: An Uncertain Reality

          By now you've probably heard of Deepfakes: digitally altered videos that superimpose one's face over another's body. Edited clips have been making the rounds over social media recently with most of them being made for comedic reasons. The technology is still in its infancy, and yet the results are already uncomfortably realistic.

          As deepfakes evolve and become more accessible we are faced with a frightening new reality: one where the general public is unable to distinguish real from fake. As image editing software such as Photoshop undermined trust in pictures, deepfakes are sure to do the same with video.

          All of the issues we face in the digital age are sure to be intensified by deepfakes. Edited clips of politicians could be used to further divide Americans, celebrity scandals could be falsified by a simple program, and bitter exes could make deepfake revenge porn.

          Deepfakes are a modern day Pandora's Box. Now that the technology is out of the box it can't be prevented from advancing and becoming increasingly prominent. As the use of deepfakes is popularized more bad actors can be expected to abuse the technology. This future is on its way, and boy, am I terrified. Hopefully you are too.


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