My Online Presence

I'd like to think that I've remained fairly protective of my data over the years. All my social media accounts are set to private, I turn off unnecessary tracking features when I can, and I use a dummy  email account when signing up to sketchy websites. Currently, the only social medias I frequent are Snapchat and Instagram. I also have a Facebook that I was required to make for my high school, though I've never posted anything on it. While my image on my Instagram and Snapchat is anything but professional I don't have any identifying information on these accounts. With Facebook I am more concerned about what image I present since it would be simple for any would-be employer to find.

One thing that people don't seem to realize is that linking your phone number on Instagram allows people who have your contact to find your profile. Unfortunately, I've seen a good number of accounts that I'm sure I wasn't supposed to see (namely my cousin's Linkin Park fan account, yikes.) The same concept applies to Snapchat as well as any other social platform that asks for your number. The greatest impact I've seen from this is when someone I know got busted for cheating via his Snapchat phone number. He had created a brand  new account under a fake name, however he linked his phone number which resulted in multiple people discovering this account. Needless to say, that relationship is now over because of this simple feature.

Social media allows for people to connect in brand new ways, but it is important to remember to potential for destruction that these platforms have.
