The Dark World of Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is an issue that has been on the rise in the digital age. It seems like everyone has someone else's nudes on their phone, and now they are easier to take and distribute than ever.

Revenge porn is a modern issue, and in some respects the legal system is still trying to catch up. On a federal level websites have no legal obligation to remove nonconsensual pornography unless it otherwise violates copyright or federal criminal laws. While it isn't a federal crime, I obviously don't need to tell you that revenge porn is morally wrong. And while the majority of states have anti-revenge porn laws some are still lacking behind.

It is important to protect yourself when taking the risk of sending images, and a few rules to live by include: not having your face in the pictures, cropping out distinguishing characteristics like tattoos, and only sending private images to people you trust.
